
A Short History of Advertising

When you think of advertising, what comes to mind? Commercials, billboards, annoying pop-ups, and all that stuff. Your average person probably sees dozens to hundreds of ads every day across all platforms. To be honest, it’s almost impossible to avoid them unless you don’t read papers or magazines, use the internet, listen to the radio, watch television, or go outside. […]

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Tell Your Story, Part II: The Sequel

Survey the landscape. Is your takeaway on point? Do you feel like every communication gemstone is reflective of identical vertical modes, diminished in unique viability and achieving an overall flat arch of rhetorical effervescence? In other, far more human words: Do your communications sound like they come from a human or a “Today’s Interwebs Copy Generator”? As a consumer, I […]

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5 Tips for Marketing to Gen Z

For years, Millennials have held the attention of marketers around the world as they have grown to be an influential, powerful demographic. But now it may be time to shift gears a bit and take a look at their successor, Gen Z. Gen Zers were born roughly between the years of 1996 to 2015 in a completely digital world. The […]

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The Value of Social Media Marketing

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it twice: “All businesses should participate in social media.” I know that we’ve even mentioned it to you before in some of our past blog posts – All About Social Media Strategy, Social Media Campaigns for Small Businesses. While the statement is completely true, do you specifically understand why? I’ll tell ya: “Social Media Marketing can […]

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Once Upon a Time

Everyone wants to communicate. We all have a message we’re trying to send to the rest of the world — especially to those who may benefit from our products or services. At the same time, everyone wants to sound professional. We all want to sound like we know what we’re doing and we know our business. After all, would you […]

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