
The Basics of SEO Copywriting

To creative types, SEO can seem overly technical and a bit robotic (after all, we are dealing with the Googlebot). But search engine optimization is vital for writers with a digital presence because search engines help people navigate the digital landscape. If your work isn’t being shown in search engine results pages (SERPs), no one is reading it. Because SEO […]

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The Boxcar’s Project Management Toolkit

The job of a project manager is to act as a mediator between an agency and its clients and keep the agency on track with tasks. Building a reserve of useful tools and skills is important in project management because it can be fast-paced and overwhelming at times. These are a few of the project management tools and skills we […]

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Social Media Campaigns for Small Businesses

Many small businesses run into roadblocks when it comes to social media. As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, managing social media is no small task. To those who don’t work in a field that relies on it, social media can seem like a no-brainer. In actuality, however, it requires meticulous planning and dedication to manage daily social media posts […]

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The 3 Distinct Features of Copywriting

Copywriting is a highly particular type of writing that requires a great deal of thought and precision to create effective work. Many writers are enchanted by the idea of being a copywriter. After all, your work will be widely circulated, and you’ll get the opportunity to produce a ton of content. In my time at Boxcar, I’ve found a couple […]

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The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to the SEO Galaxy

If you’re new to search marketing like me, the big, wide world of SEO can seem impossibly daunting and confusing. The vernacular is highly specific, search engines are constantly updating, and it’s easy to become lost in all the details. This week’s Boxcar blog is here to cover the absolute basics of SEO to help you establish a solid footing […]

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